Haygood’s Community Cookouts this summer will feature traditional cookout fare: Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, baked beans, fresh fruit (including watermelon), chips, brownies, ice cream or popsicles for dessert. Lemonade, tea and bottled water to drink.

The dates are all Wednesdays: June 5, June 26, July 10 & July 24.

Advance reservations are requested but NOT required; please submit by 4:00 p.m. the day of the cookout. SCROLL DOWN FOR THE LINK TO EACH DATE.

Special Mission Opportunity: Eat so that others may eat! If you would like to support our Rise Against Hunger Event on September 22, 2024, please pay our usual Wednesday Night Supper price for your Summer Cookout order: $11/adult & $6/child. That will result in a donation of $5/adult & $3/child to our event (the equivalent of 12 meals per adult and 7 per child). Your donation will appear on your Haygood giving statement. Our regular cookout price of $6/adult and $3/child is also available. Simply indicate your choice when making your reservation or paying in person.

Please join us when you are in town this summer!